Sarah purchased a BuckYou western style HY.PE pad and a baroque bitless bridle, and I couldn’t be more thrilled by how they have positively affected both her and Bella. This is what she says: Ok so I was going to wait and take photos next weekend but guys – look how pretty Bella’s new…
10 reasons to try a BuckYou HY.PE Saddle.
The first reason is they are INSANELY comfy for you and your horse. Many horses have experienced pain at worst discomfort at best from normal saddles, BuckYou HY.PE saddles don’t look, smell or feel like a regular saddle which helps your horse stop worrying that this thing is like the other and it’s going…
Cato is a pro at pressure free ridden cues- Vikki tries editing…
When we at BuckYou use bitless bridles, the purpose is to ensure we are road legal, and for emergencies. They aren’t there to pull, yank, agitate, apply pressure with. The BuckYou horses are all taught turning cues on the ground using targets. the same applies for walking on and halting and backing up. We…
The BuckYou HY.PE- Hybrid Pad Experience.
What is the BuckYou HY.PE? The BuckYou HY.PE is the latest and greatest incarnation of the BuckYou bareback pad. It is the Hybrid Pad experience, not quite a treeless saddle, but more than even a very nice bareback pad. The BuckYou HY.PE has a structure which offers support to the rider but does not interfere…
The evolution of the bareback pad- Now with adjustable shims as standard from december 2020
BIG NEWS! As of December 2020, all pads will come with adjustable shims as standard. These will be faux fleece covered foam pads which attach on either side of the spine using velcro. You can widen the spinal gap, make it narrower, or remove it entirely. The shims add soft spinal clearance, and also give…
Tack Free at Sixty- Never too old to go force free!
We had a visitor during one of the brief moments of 2020 when it was legal to meet people outside. This happened! Christine is 60,has physical issues, and has never ridden a horse tack free before. She is also VERY devoted to learning and implementing force free methods with her own horses, and therefore,…
BuckYou loves Vivendi Apparel
Hey all, hope you are all safe and healthy and able to hang with your horsies as the apocalypse hits! Being stuck in and bummed out, I decided to do something about being bummed out. I mean, I was literally bum-out, my old jods had many. many holes in, er, intimate areas! We are…
Happy Buckers Kate and Bindi- Their Story.
Kate purchased a BuckYou Iberian style bareback pad in an attempt to keep both her horse and her family happy…. Did it work?? Well, obviously, yes. The pads are awesome, but lets read the full story. It has been many long hours of trial and error over the past couple of years with my…
What you aren’t seeing. How something can look oh so lovely and nice.. but it isn’t.
Recently, I rather got into it with some people, as I put out a post on facebook commenting on the disconnect between the words used (something about love and connection) and the picture (horses with mouths strapped around bits, riders carrying whips.). To me, that’s not what love looks like. Now, i don’t doubt for…
Featured Product: Buckyou Fully adjustable, damned sexy, bitless sidepull vegan bridle!
I spent a long time working out a lot of details on these bridles, so i’m going to go through it all with you now so you appreciate my genius and maybe treat yourself to one as well! THE PRICE These bridles retail for… with reins… wait for it… £54.99. Yes, just £54.99. Amazing, right?…